Slide comparison

Here are four examples of the exact same slides scanned by one of our local competitors and by us. Please notice the extreme differences in color, highlights & shadows, and image resolution (less than 1 mega-pixel vs. over 7 mega-pixels). Note also that our competitor, in addition to providing a much smaller image, cropped the images substantially and carelessly flipped the orientation of the slides so that the images are all backwards. And our competitor even charged more per slide! You are encouraged to click on the thumbnails to view the images in full resolution to get an even better sense of the difference in quality. The full resolution images are exactly as they were delivered to the customer (who wisely had his slides rescanned by Disc-Connect after receiving the terrible quality from our competitor).

Competitor scan #1

Disc-Connect scan #1

Competitor scan #2

Disc-Connect scan #2

Competitor scan #3

Disc-Connect scan #3

Competitor scan #4

Disc-Connect scan #4