Laura is available for Physical Therapy evaluations and private sessions to focus on your particular problems and goals. She focuses on finding the source of your pain, and then balancing movement and posture by using alignment-based therapeutic yoga sequences, breath work, meditation, and evidence-based Physical Therapy treatment practices to realign the body and build healthy movement patterns.
Each therapeutic intervention begins with an hour long consultation which includes evaluation of your injury, explanation of the therapy diagnosis and treatment plan. During a 60 minute treatment session, a home yoga and exercise program will be developed to address your injury and heal your body. Treatments may include manual therapy to release joint or muscle restrictions, targeted yoga-based stretching and/or strengthening to reduce muscle imbalances, breath work, meditation, and guided relaxation to improve muscle function.
You can schedule regular sessions to continue the treatment or you can opt for periodic check-ins to progress your program or address new or different problems.
The Yoga and PT Studio
Yoga and Physical Therapy is a fee-for-service practice. At this time, I do not accept insurance co-payments. Payment for physical therapy services is expected at the time of service. I am an out of network provider with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of NC, United Healthcare, and Cigna only, and this will allow you to file a claim for reimbursement if you are covered under this insurance provider. While I will not be filing your claim for you, I will assist you in filing your claim in any way that I can. You will be given an invoice with treatment and diagnosis codes that you can submit with your claim form to BCBS or Cigna for re-imbursement.
By not accepting insurance co-payments, I can offer you more individualized treatment sessions at a lower cost than a traditional physical therapy office. If needed, a payment schedule can be discussed further.
Initial visit - $110
Subsequent visits - $90
Contact Laura Terry • Send Email • Call or text: 919.538.4023